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Conservation of the Swale Estuary & Creeks

The Estate has an active interest in the management and conservation of The Swale, Oare Creek and Faversham Creek, and works closely with Hollowshore Fisheries on the day-to-day activities.

As part of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Marine Conservation Zones (dMCZs) are designed to ring-fence a controlled and protected environment for the benefits of biodiversity. The Estate made both verbal and written representations with the consultative body in order to understand the implications of the proposals. The scarcity of baseline data and the lack of detail in terms of the socio-economic impact were identified at a stakeholder meeting in 2011. Following that, the governing bodies overseeing the proposals (Joint Nature & Conservation Committee and Natural England) have commissioned further scientific data collection in the Estuary and the Creeks.

The Estate is at the forefront of protecting the local socio-economic vitality and the biodiversity of the Estuary and the Creeks.

The Estuary and the Creeks also provide an increasingly rare saltmarsh habitat for wading birds and protected species of geese and fowl. The practice of land reclamation throughout the last century, using sea walls, has left the British coast with a noticeable dearth of natural saltmarsh.

The Swale Estuary and Faversham and Oare Creeks were affected by this practice, but have maintained some critical saline habitat which is exploited by the marine birdlife. This is crucial for the biodiversity of the Estuary and the Creeks, and the Estate continues to ensure its preservation.

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Stringman’s Farm
Kent, ME13 0LA